Our lives are founded on pain in a world full of hardships, and occasionally someone needs a comforter. In the family ministry, we learn principles that enable us to maintain healthy bonds with those we live with, our families of origin, families from whom we have benefited, as well as our friends and family.
Even when people share a home and yet struggle to communicate, the family unit makes decisions and takes actions that enable us to maintain a stable lifestyle for those we live with.
“Ngira nkugire,imiberero idukomeza mu rugendo rwacu.”
Every second sabbath of the month, the family ministry holds a preventative class and dedicates that sabbath to group talks. The men’s group discusses ways to improve their families’ moral character and serve as an example to others, and the women’s group will also do similar actions.

In this ministry, we are taught to live as a family with God, where each person recognizes and appreciates his or her responsibility to the well-being of the others in the family.
In the family ministry, we acquire new abilities that assist us in fostering our kids’ moral development.
We demonstrate how men and women can be more emotionally, physically, economically, and intellectually unified in the family ministry. being single and content with life.